
Otto Rask’s development oriented site

Recent posts

Accessing parent methods in PHP

2 September, 2015

Ever need to access a PHP class instance’s parent’s method without overwriting it in the child class? Say hello to the parent statement.

Terminal coloring on Windows using Ansicon

29 August, 2015

The Windows command-line interface is quite a bummer when compared to the terminals on Linux and Mac. One of those bummer-factors is the absence of proper color handling.

Up and running with GitHub Pages

27 August, 2015

This site is hosted at GitHub Pages, which is a simple solution for hosting static websites. Static websites are exactly what you think they are: static HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files only.

Hello World

27 August, 2015

First post! And with cheesiest development related title ever! This blog/site is a technically oriented dump of sorts for me. Check back for random content every now and then.